Susan Ashworth


Susan Ashworth

English artist Susan Ashworth lives and works in Newhaven, East Sussex. Working primarily in oil paint, Ashworth explores the landscapes and edges of the tabletop by composing objects, photographing them, and painting the result. Paintings evolve from the process of photographic abstraction where broad blocks of tone, flashes of bright color, and areas in shadow are built up layer after layer to capture the moment of light falling on objects. In addition to working out of her home studio, Ashworth teaches photography in schools and teaches oil painting workshops.

In Paintings, her 2019 exhibition at MARCH, a series of quiet moments depict the solitary, personal scenes of a painter at home: one cup, one plate, or one half-full cafetiere of coffee. Preferring the objects in our lives which are often overlooked, Ashworth creates compositions of the commonplace.


Paintings, September 26 - November 14, 2019

New Work, April 7 - June 16, 2022

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Regular price $0 $1,400 On Sale
Susan Ashworth
Regular price $0 $1,400 On Sale
Regular price $0 $1,400 On Sale
Regular price $0 $1,400 On Sale